Launch of recipe books by Editora Afluente in partnership with Gastromotiva

Affluent and Gastromotiva join forces in a transformative partnership in gastronomy and social literature.
On April 18, the launch of the recipe book series resulting from the collaboration between Editora Afluente and Gastromotiva promises to mark a new chapter at the intersection of gastronomy and social transformation. This ambitious partnership aims to release 10 books in the Gastromotiva Collection by the end of 2025, each representing a dish as a vehicle for change.
Editora Afluente, a new publishing house dedicated to Brazilian art and culture, incorporates ESG (environmental, social, and governance) principles into its mission, making it a natural ally for Gastromotiva in the fight against hunger and food waste.
A notable feature of this partnership is that for each book sold, Gastromotiva will donate a meal. The inaugural launch, “Receitas do Mae” by Juliana Moura, showcases the chef’s creativity with a collection of dishes featuring selected ingredients.
David Hertz, founder of Gastromotiva, expressed his excitement about the partnership:
“We are thrilled with this union of gastronomy and culture, which will drive the necessary social transformation in our society.“
With over 1 million expected donations by the end of 2024, Afluente and Gastromotiva plan to positively impact the community through the power of gastronomy and culinary literature, strengthening bonds and combating inequalities. The Gastromotiva Collection promises to offer not just recipes but also hope and opportunities for those facing food insecurity.