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Gastromotiva – Home2024-05-03T16:02:33-03:00

> DONATE NOW who need it most and promote education for those by donating Help us fight hunger > CLICK HERE Refettorio Gastromotiva Learn about the > CLICK HERE in the gastronomy sector or and start studying today to became a professional a successful entrepreneur Enroll in our free courses > CLICK HERE Gastromotiva published in the press about See the articles Mês da Mulher: conheça a nossa programação no Reffetorio Gastromotiva Lançamento de livros de receitas da editora Afluente em parceria com a Gastromotiva Encontro Comunidade Gastromotiva: A Cozinha como Polo Transformador de Territórios PF do Bem Ceia para todos, doe alimentos por um Natal com esperança e dignidade


We are a non-governmental organization that uses gastronomy as a tool for social transformation. Since 2006, we have been working on initiatives to fight hunger and food insecurity, and to generate income through education. Our free professional training courses, focused on the food and beverage industry, have already opened doors to new job opportunities for thousands of low-income youth.

Driven by a commitment to social responsibility, Gastromotiva’s humanitarian projects provide nutritious and well-balanced meals to populations facing food insecurity. Our efforts have impacted millions across Brazil, El Salvador, South Africa and Mexico, nowadayswe maintain a Gastromotiva hub in Rio de Janeiro and in the City of Mexico. In Brazil, we operate in Rio de Janeiro – where are located our headquaters -, São Paulo, Paraná, Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Minas Gerais.

Our stories speak for themselves

Our stories speak for themselves


+ 2.2 million

people impacted directly or indirectly

+ 5 million

meals provided

+ 8,000

students trained

+ 160

communities served


Institutional Partners

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