Our Courses

Empower your skills and expertise.

Juntas na Mesa e na Liderança


Together at the Table and in Leadership


Entrepreneurship in a Pot: Entrepreneurial Gastronomy


Entrepreneur: Make and Sell


Microbusinesses in Gastronomy


Together at the Table and in Business


Basic Kitchen Training

Through our culinary arts and entrepreneurship training programs, Gastromotiva has empowered over 5,900 young people from vulnerable economic backgrounds to gain quality education and secure employment or re-enter the workforce.

We Offer Three Types of Training: Professional Chef Course with a Focus on Social Gastronomy, Professional Kitchen Training and Entreprenda: Make and Sell.

Important Information: Applications for Gastromotiva courses are open year-round.The opening of new classes varies depending on the specific calendar of each city where we operate. We currently offer courses in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Curitiba), Mexico (Mexico City), and El Salvador (San Salvador).

If you have already applied, we will contact you when a new class opens. If you have not applied or would like to know more about new class openings, please visit our calendar and follow us on social media.